The Geochemistry group is always looking for graduate students interested in chemical oceanography, modeling of biogeochemical processes, paleoceanography and paleoclimate, geomicrobiology, or environmental science. Graduate students in our program arrive with training in a variety fields including, but not limited to, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Engineering. For further information about the appropriate background for specific research programs, prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact individual professors by e-mail.
We offer M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, with specialization in Geochemistry. The degree requires at least two semesters of coursework, to be decided by the student and advisor, as well as research experience that may involve field work (domestic and international), laboratory work, and/or modeling, according to the student's strengths and interests. The goal of our graduate program is to produce independent scientists, who are critical thinkers and highly skilled in the problem-solving approaches needed to address the environmental issues of the new millennium, and to contribute to their solutions. Our recent graduates have gained employment in academic positions, governmental agencies, and environmental consulting firms. The excellent quality of the research facilities, the wide variety of courses offered across the different disciplines of the Schools of EAS, Biology, Chemistry, and Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the strength of the various research programs all provide an excellent educational experience for students in the Geochemistry Group at Georgia Tech.
More information about the Application process is available HERE